Dogs and Wood: A Dangerous Attraction

Dogs are curious creatures that sometimes act in bewildering ways. Dogs chase their tail, dig as if they’re searching for gold, and chomp at water from hoses. While some behavior is cute and funny, at times pet parents need to be concerned. One such case is when you see your beloved pet chew and eat bark or wood chips. 

Why Do Dogs Chew on Wood?

Chewing is a natural instinct for dogs. Many puppies go through a teething phase where chewing acts as a form of pain relief. At times, dogs may even chew wood out of boredom. In rare cases, dogs may have a condition that causes them to chew and eat inedible objects. This condition, pica, is often caused by a lack of nutrients.

Why is Wood Bad for Dogs?

Chewing sticks may seem like a fine behavior; they do it in the movies all the time! However, wood can damage the intestines or stomach lining, damage your dog’s teeth, or splinter in your dog’s mouth or esophagus. 

These scenarios are dreaded by pet owners. You’ll end up with a pet in great pain and a hefty vet bill. If you’re anything like us, we’re sure you want to keep your pet happy, healthy, and safe!

How do I stop my dog’s wood chewing habits?

If possible, get rid of all the wood chips, sticks, and loose wood in your dog's environment. Have a plethora of chew toy options to keep them stimulated.

When playing with your dog outside, use dog toys and dispose of them once they are worn to the point of consumption. Avoid using a stick for fetch since this sends a confusing message. Whenever possible, keep an eye on your dog while he/she plays outside; you will develop a beautiful bond while playing.

I Can’t Watch My Dog All the Time. What Should I Do?

If you are unable to remove the wood chips, consider putting your dog on a leash and stake outside (weather permitting). Alternatively, when you leave home, you can put your dog in a kennel. However, never leave your dog in a kennel for over 6 hours! Follow this general rule of thumb—puppies can stay in a kennel for one hour per each month of life up to six months. So if your pup is 3 months old, they can hold their bladder for up to 3 hours

My suggestion is to use a kennel in conjunction with a pet sitter. When at your home, the sitter will give your dog a potty break, a chance to stretch, and some exercise to release energy and stimulate the mind. It will be a lot more fun for your pet to play all day than be cooped up alone and you won’t have to worry about your pet consuming a foreign object. 

What if My Dog Has Been Eating Wood?

Dogs that eat bark or wood have a risk of developing digestive issues. If you’ve noticed your dog has trouble eating or hasn’t been going number two, there may be a blockage. If your dog hasn’t improved in 2-3 days, take him/her to the vet. 

What Should I Do When I Catch My Dog Eating Bark?

Never physically punish your dog; use force-free training. When you catch him/ her in the act, shake a can of coins as a distraction and take the wood out of their mouth to replace it with a bully stick, Nylabone, Greenie, Nubz, or another pet safe chewing treat or toy. 

Training takes time, patience, and discipline. If you don’t have the time, consider hiring a dog trainer that uses praise instead of punishment. Experienced professionals know how to get the best behavior out of your dog and teach you how to do the same.

Final Thoughts

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If you are interested in compassionate care when you’re not there please contact Stay and Play Pet Sitting in Temecula, CA, or want to discuss other pet care questions, let’s meet! I am here for you and your pet.